Tuesday, 9 February 2021


Hello again, St Valentine's day is celebrated on the 14th of February around the world. 

Hola de nou, el dia de Sant Valentí es celebra el 14 de febrer en tot el món.

We show our friendship and love with cards, presents and chocolates.

Demostrem la nostra amistat i el nostre amor amb targetes, regals i bombons.

Do you know everything about St Valentine's?

Penses que saps tot de Sant Valentí?

Watch this video to review the vocabulary.

Mira aquest vídeo per repassar el vocabulari.


Here you have a game to practice.

Ací tens un joc per practicar.


When you enter click play on the left corner, choose 1 team and click on classic. How many points did you get?

Quan entres punxa play al cantó esquerre, tria 1 equip i punxa en classic. Quants punts aconsegueixes?

Now a chasing game (Pac-man)

Ara un joc de persecució (Pac-man)


Write your name and the class you are, ex: Raquel O. 5A

Escriu el teu nom i la classe on estàs, ex: Raquel O. 5A

Do you feel like singing? Let's sing some songs to fall in love.

Tens ganes de cantar? Cantarem algunes cançons per enamorar-nos.



Finally, make a card for your special friend, relatives or someone you love.

Finalment, fes una targeta per al teu amic o la teua amiga especial, els teus familiars o algú a qui estimes.

