Monday 31 October 2022


Enguany per a celebrar la festa de Halloween l'alumnat ha creat uns barrets monstruosos i molt creatius.
Ací teniu una mostra de les meravelles que han fet.

This year we have celebrated Halloween with a terrifying hat exhibition, Students have showed creative and original pieces.

Aquí podéís disfrutar de las obras de primaria.

Estas son las creadas por el alumnado de infantil.

També han gaudit de l'intercanvi de cançons entre primaria i infantil. 
They also shared Halloween songs, using gestures and choreography.

These are the songs.

Aquí tenéis un vídeo resumen de las interacciones que tuvimos.

By the way, I have found some pictures from last year, if you remember, we had scary snacks, although they were delicious.