Let's play KAHOOT so you can check your improvement.
Juguem a KAHOOT i així podràs comprovar el teu nivell.
present simple

present continuous

Write your name and the letter of your class in the nickname.

Escriu el teu nom i la lletra de la teua classe en el lloc que posa enter nickname.

For instance, Tania A (Tania from the class of 5th A) or Sandra C (Sandra from the class of 5th C). In case your name is repeated in the class write your name and the first letter of your surname, ex: Érika D. A

Per exemple, Tania A (Tania de la classe de 5é A) o Sandra C (Sandra de la classe de 5é C). En el cas de que el teu nom estiga repetit en la classe escriu el teu nom i la primera lletra del teu cognom, ex: Érika D. A

You can't play the game again. 
No pots repetir el joc una altra volta.


Revise the vocabulary with these activities. Repassa el vocabulari amb aquestes activitats.

Let's work the stuctures of unit 1 with interactive videos. Trabajaremos las estructuras de la unidad 1 con videos interactivos.

Finally, baamboozle games for revising vocabulary. Per a acabar, jocs de baamboozle per a repassar el vocabulari.




New Kahoot available.

Click on the link. Remember you can only play once.

Nou kahoot disponible. Punxa en el link. Recorda que només pots jugar una vegada.



Here you have some projects of unit 6. PARTIES


Some of our last projects in 5th level.

LETTERS and DESCRIPTIONS OF PLACES. Cartes i descripcions de llocs.

SHOPPING DIALOGUES. Diàlegs per fer la compra.



Let's review the countries with this Quizz. You must guess the country before the time runs out.

Anem a repassar els països amb aquest qüestionari. Has d'endevinar el país abans que el temps acabe.


Do you know the flags of the different countries. Play this Kahoot!

Who will get the maximum score?

You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:
Saps les banderes dels diferents països? Juga este kahoot. 
Clica en el link o enrtra en kahoot i posa el pin.

Game PIN: 05480285

Write your name and the letter of your class in the nickname.

Escriu el teu nom i la lletra de la teua classe en el lloc que posa enter nickname.

For instance, Tania A (Tania from the class of 6th A) or Sandra C (Sandra from the class of 6th C). In case your name is repeated in the class write your name and the first letter of your surname, ex: Érika D. A

Per exemple, Tania A (Tania de la classe de 6é A) o Sandra C (Sandra de la classe de 6é C). En el cas de que el teu nom estiga repetit en la classe escriu el teu nom i la primera lletra del teu cognom, ex: Érika D. A

You can't play the game again. No pots repetir el joc una altra volta.

Good luck!!


We are going to review some of the vocabulary we see in class and learn new words too. 
Anem a repassar el vocabulari que hem donat en classe i a aprendre noves paraules relacionades.
Watch this video. Repeat. 
Mira el vídeo i repeteix.

Do you remember when do we use there is and there are? Click on the video. 

Recordes quan utilitzem el "there is" i quan el "there are"? Punxa en el vídeo.

Finally, let's practice our grammar point with this interactive video.

Click on the link.



Finally, you are going to lean by hitting moles. 

When they ask your name for the classification write only name, the initial letter of your surname and your class.
Quan te demanen el nom per la classificació possa el teu nom, la inicial del cognom i la classe. Per exple, Ana M. 6A
Click on the link. 
Punxa en l'enllaç. 


 Here you have some of your last projects:







Are you ready to  learn and enjoy with these Christmas activities?

Esteu preparats per aprendre i gaudir amb aquestes activitats de Nadal?


First of all, let's review some Christmas vocabulary. You must guess: What is the child drawing?

Primer de tot, anem a repassar el vocabulari de Nadal. Es tracta d'endevinar: què va a dibuixar el xiquet?



Do you feel like cooking?
Sents ganes de cuinar?

 Watch this video about Christmas traditions in Britain. You will learn a recipe too!

Mira este vídeo sobre les tradicions nadalenques en Gran Bretanya. També aprendràs una recepta.

Now answer these quetions in your notebook. You don't need to write all the exercise, Only the answer. For example:

1.  Christmas tree.

Ara respon a les preguntes següents a la llibreta. No necessites escriure tot l'exercici, solament la resposta. Per exemple:

1.  Christmas tree.

 1. Jacks advent calendar. What's behind the door on December 1st?

a) a star        b) father Christmas         c) a present    d) a Christmas tree

2. Sally's advent calendar. What's behind the door on december 1st?

a) a star        b) father Christmas         c) a present    d) a Christmas tree


3. What is Jack writing on his Christmas card?



4. What is Sally writing on her Christmas card?



5. Who is in the first class stamp?



6. What colour is the letter box?



7. Jack's advent calendar. What is behind the door on December 19th?

a) a green prent         b) a red present         c) a rabbit        d) father Christmas


8. How many mince pies is Jack making?.......................................................................


9. Behind one of the doors, there is a present. When is it?...............................................


10. What's for dessert?........................................................


11. RECIPE. MINCE PIES. Match the pictures with the words. 

Now, complete this on-line worksheet.


 Repeat until you get a good mark (8/10, 9/10, 10/10). Then, send it using liveworksheets.

Repetiu fins que aconseguiu una bona nota (8/10, 9/10, 10/10). Aleshores, envieu les fitxes utilitzant el mateix web liveworksheets.

Heu d’escriure el vostre nom, cognoms,  el curs (número i lletra)  i assignatura.

Per exemple: 

Raquel Serrano Molina



Enviar a almassiling@gmail.com des de liveworksheets.



Do you want to listen and watch the Christmas story again? Ací la tens.

Vols vore i escoltar el conte de Nadal una altra volta? Here it is.





 Look! Some of your projects about daily routines!






22nd of November




1. First, watch the videos upload on the main page of the blog. 

 Primer, mira els vídeos que hem pujat a la pàgina principal del blog. (Allò que veus en entrar al blog).


2. Watch this other video. This time you must answer some questions. 

Mira este altre vídeo. Aquesta vegada has de respondre algunes preguntes. 





3. Click on the link to learn the vocabulary about Thanksgiving. 

Read, look, listen and repeat. Click on the pictures and repeat.

Punxa en el link per aprendre el vocabulari de la festa de thanksgiving.

Llig, mira, escolta i repeteix. Punxa en els dibuixos i repeteix.




4. Click on this other link. Now, match the words with the pictures.

Punxa en este altre link. Ara, uneix les paraules amb els dibuixos.







23rd of October

Hello 5th level!

How are you?  Let's have fun learning English.

We have studied at class verb Have got.

Let's revise! Watch this video. Click on the link.



This is another video about Gogoos adventures. Click on the link to watch it.





And now, let's play KAHOOT.  Who will get the maximum score?

You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:

Write your name and the letter of your class in the nickname.

Escriu el teu nom i la lletra de la teua classe en el lloc que posa enter nickname.
For instance, Tania A (Tania from the class of 6th A) or Sandra C (Sandra from the class of 6th C). In case your name is repeated in the class write your name and the first letter of your surname, ex: Érika D. A

Per exemple, Tania A (Tania de la classe de 6é A) o Sandra C (Sandra de la classe de 6é C). En el cas de que el teu nom estiga repetit en la classe escriu el teu nom i la primera lletra del teu cognom, ex: Érika D. A

You can't play the game again. No pots repetir el joc una altra volta.

Let's celebrate Halloween!


Watch this interactive video-song and answer the questions you find in it. 

Mira este vídeo-cançó interactiu i respon les preguntes que hi trobaràs.



But...how is really Halloween in Great Britain? Watch this other video about a real British boy celebrating Halloween.

Answer this questions in your notebook. We will correct them at class.

Però... com és realment Halloween en Gran Bretanya? Mira este altre vídeo sobre un xiquet que realment és d'allà i està celebrant Halloweeen. 

Respon aquestes preguntes a la teua llibreta. Les corregirem en classe. 

1. What is a cloak?

2. What are the children cooking?

3. Complete.  Which game are they playing on Halloween night? Apple b................

4. Complete. At the party, Jack wears a w...................... fancy dress.









Here we have our puzzles. I'm very proud of them.

We are all different but we fit perfectly together to make the puzzles of our classes.

This is 5th A door

This is 5th B door

And this is 5th C door

Let's watch this trailer of Minions film. Answer the questions of the interactive video.




And now we need some more practice. Make this on lne worksheet. Repeat until you get a good mark (8/10, 9/10, 10/10). Then, send it using liveworksheets.

Repetiu fins que aconseguiu una bona nota (8/10, 9/10, 10/10). Aleshores, envieu les fitxes utilitzant el mateix web liveworksheets.

Heu d’escriure el vostre nom, cognoms,  el curs (número i lletra)  i assignatura.

Per exemple: 

Raquel Serrano Molina



Enviar a almassiling@gmail.com des de liveworksheets. 




  Hello again!

Let's practise the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE.

Watch this video.



Answer the questions about PINK PANTHER. Go to the interactive video here.



And now, let's play KAHOOT.  Who will get the maximum score?

You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:


PIN: 05530232

Write your name and the letter of your class in the nickname.

Escriu el teu nom i la lletra de la teua classe en el lloc que posa enter nickname.
For instance, Tania A (Tania from the class of 6th A) or Sandra C (Sandra from the class of 6th C). In case your name is repeated in the class write your name and the first letter of your surname, ex: Érika D. A

Per exemple, Tania A (Tania de la classe de 6é A) o Sandra C (Sandra de la classe de 6é C). En el cas de que el teu nom estiga repetit en la classe escriu el teu nom i la primera lletra del teu cognom, ex: Érika D. A

You can't play the game again. No pots repetir el joc una altra volta.
Next week I will upload the scoreboard with the results. La propera setmana penjaré els resultats.

Good luck!!


Hello everybody!

Welcome to this school year.

Let's practice some numbers. Go to this online worksheets. Repeat until you get a good mark (8/10, 9/10, 10/10). Then, send it using liveworksheets.

Benvinguts a aquest nou curs escolar.

Anem a practicar els números.  Feu aquestes fitxes. Repetiu fins que aconseguiu una bona nota (8/10, 9/10, 10/10). Aleshores, envieu les fitxes utilitzant el mateix web liveworksheets.

Heu d’escriure el vostre nom, cognoms,  el curs (número i lletra)  i assignatura.

Per exemple: 

Raquel Serrano Molina



Enviar a almassiling@gmail.com des de liveworksheets. 








Hello everybody! Hola a tot el món!

Aquesta enquesta podeu fer-la vosaltres sols o conjuntament amb les vostres famílies. 
La finalitat és l'Avaluació docent del procés d'Ensenyament-Aprenentatge durant aquest tercer trimestre en l'assignatura d'anglés.
Sols seran 2 minuts.

This is the last week, so you have games, videos and songs at the central panel of the blog.

Aquesta setmana per ser l'última teniu jocs, vídeos i cançons al panel central del blog.



Let's continue revising.

1. Describe what was in your wardrobe in the past. Share the description with a classmate. He or she must draw what you describe. Use There was a... / there were some...There wasn't a.../ there weren't any... Is similar the drawing to your description?

Descriu que hi havia al teu armari en el passat. Comparteix la teua descripció amb un company. Ell/ ella ha de dibuixar allò que tu li dius. Usa There was a .../ There were some. ..There wasn't a.../ there weren't any... Es pareix el dibuix a la teua descripció?

2. Complete this on-line worksheet about demonstratives. Repeat until you reach      10 / 10. You can send a photo to almassiling@gmail.com.
Completa aquesta fitxa sobre demostratius. Repeteix fins que obtingues 10 /10. Pots enviar una foto a almassiling@gmail.com


3. With the supervision of your parents, go to AMAZON from the United Kingdom. Write five objects you like and their prices in pounds.
Amb la supervisió del teus pares, punxa l'enllaç i aniràs a la pàgina de Amazon del Regne Unit. Escriu cinc objectes que t'agraden i els seus preus en lliures.

For example: The smartwatch is thirty-eight pounds ninety.


4. Complete this on line worksheet. It's a crossword about the family members.
Repeat until you reach 10 /10. 
You cand send me a photo to almassiling@gmail.com


5. Choose a place. 

Write a story in the past. 
You can start like this: 
Two years ago I was ... 
Last summer/spring/ Christmas I was with my family / friends / classmates...

There was a..., There were some..., there wasn't a..., there weren't any...
I Was... / we were..., I wasn't..., We weren't...

6. Watch and answer the questions of this interactive video.


En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us
preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa.
Estic segura de que feu el millor que podeu. Si teniu dubtes

podeu contactar per web família. See you soon!



Hi everyone! Remember, we're going to revise.

1. Watch this video. Listen and repeat the vocabulary about hobbies.


2. Let's sing! Watch, listen and sing. Copy the hobbies that you listen in the song.

3. Revise some grammar. Copy the chart and study.

4. Let's survey the classmates. Which is the most popular hobbie?
Ask your friends (with the permission of your parents, of course) and complete the chart.The hobbies in the chart are: swimming, running, playing football, playing computer games, reading.

Ask five classmates. Write a cross in the correct place depending on the answer.
The answers from your classmates must be: Yes, I do / No, I don't

Pregunta a cinc companys/es. Escriu una creu en el lloc correcte depenent de la resposta dels companys/es.

5. Read and complete this on- line worksheet. Repeat until you reach 10 /10. You can send a photo to almassiling@gmail.com


6. Now, let's think about holidays. Remember the vocabulary.

Per descriure que hi ha en un lloc necessitem aquest verb. Estudia'l de nou.


AFFIRMATIVE                                                                            NEGATIVE      

There is a...= Hi ha un/una... (una cosa)                                  There isn't  a... = No hi ha... (una cosa)

There are some... = Hi ha algun/a... (més d'una cosa)           There aren't any... = No hi ha cap... (més d'una cosa)


Is there a...? = Hi ha... (una cosa)?                      Yes, there is a... = Sí.        No, there isn't= No

Are there any...? = Hi ha ...(més d'una cosa) ?           Yes, there are = Sí,       No, there aren't = No

In collaboration with Jon, speaking auxiliar.

7. Play Kahoot. Who will get the maximum score?
You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:

Deus clicar en l'enllaç o entrar en kahoot.it i escriure el pin del joc:


PIN: 02598812

Write your name and the letter of your class in the nickname.

Escriu el teu nom i la lletra de la teua classe en el lloc que posa enter nickname.
For instance, Tania A (Tania from the class of 6th A) or Sandra C (Sandra from the class of 6th C). In case your name is repeated in the class write your name and the first letter of your surname, ex: Érika D. A

Per exemple, Tania A (Tania de la classe de 6é A) o Sandra C (Sandra de la classe de 6é C). En el cas de que el teu nom estiga repetit en la classe escriu el teu nom i la primera lletra del teu cognom, ex: Érika D. A

You can't play the game again. No pots repetir el joc una altra volta.

Continuem amb un altre kahoot.

You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:


PIN: 09142032

Good luck!!

8. Complete this on-line worksheet about the grammar point (verb haver). Repeat until you reach 10/10. You cand send a photo to almassiling@gmail.com

9. Listen and draw. Homer Simpson explains how is Springfield. Draw the places that Hommer describes.
Escolta i dibuixa. Homer Simpson et conta com es és Springfield. Dibuixa els llocs que descriu Homer.

10. Now it's your turn to record a chatter pix. Explain a place to classmate. Your classmate draws. (You can videocall, record a whatsapp audio... but with the permission of your parents). 
If you want, send me the recording to almassiling@gmail.com

Ara, és el teu torn de gravar un chatter pix. 
Explica un lloc a un company. El/la teu/a company/a dibuixa. (Pots fer una videconferència, whatsapp audio... però amb el permís dels teus pares). 
Si vols envia'm la gravació al correu de sempre.

En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us
preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa.
Estic segura de que feu el millor que podeu. Si teniu dubtes
 podeu contactar per web família. See you soon!



Hi everyone!

We are going to revise from the beginning of the year.

  1. Let’s start with these two songs to revise physical and personality adjectives.


    1. Listen, repeat, sing the songs.Copy all the adjectives and classify.

    Physical adjectives Personality adjectives

    tall =alt /alta polite= educat/educada

    What do they look like? = Com són ells/elles? 
    A la cançó apareix l’estructura: Com és ell/ella? Pots escriure-la?

    Remember these connectors:

    and = i We’re kind and sporty. = Nosaltres som amables i esportistes.

    but = però She’s shy but clever. = Ella és tímida però llesta.

    because = perquè You’re lazy because you never work. = Vosaltres sou peresosos perquè 
    mai treballeu.

    2. The mysterious friend. Describe a classmate. Use physical and personal adjectives
    and, but, because.
    Share your description to another classmate. (With the permission of your parents, 
    of course). 
    Does he/she guess who is the mysterious friend?

    L'amic misteriós. Descriu un/a company/a. Usa adjectius de físic i de personalitat,
    i els conectors and, but, because.
    Comparteix la teua descripció amb un altre company/a. (Amb el permís dels teus pares, 
    per descomptat).

    He's tall and good-looking.
    He's got a pony tail because he's got long hair.
    He's sporty but lazy, because he works but he sleeps a lot.
    Who is my mysterious friend?

    3. Now let's play Kahoot. Who will get the maximum score?
    Ara anem a jugar dos partides de Kahoot. Qui aconseguirà el màxim resultat?

    You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:
    Deus clicar en l'enllaç o entrar en kahoot.it i escriure el pin del joc:

    Write your name and the letter of your class in the nickname.
    Escriu el teu nom i la lletra de la teua classe en el lloc que posa enter nickname.
    For instance, Tania A (Tania from the class of 6th A) or Sandra C (Sandra from the class of 6th C). In case your name is repeated in the class write your name and the first letter of your surname, ex: Érika D. A
    Per exemple, Tania A (Tania de la classe de 6é A) o Sandra C (Sandra de la classe de 6é C). En el cas de que el teu nom estiga repetit en la classe escriu el teu nom i la primera lletra del teu cognom, ex: Érika D. A

    You can't play the game again. No pots repetir el joc una altra volta.

    Continuem amb un altre kahoot.

    You must click on the link or enter kahoot.it and write the game pin:

    Deus clicar en l'enllaç o entrar en kahoot.it i escriure el pin del joc:



    Good luck!! Bona sort!!

    4. Complete this on-line worksheet about present simple and frequency adverbs. Repeat until you reach 10/10. If you want, send a photo, pdf or screenshoot of the worksheet to almassilimng@gmail.com.
    Completa aquesta fitxa on-line sobre el present simple i els adverbis de frequència. Repeteix fins aconseguir 10/10. Si vols, pots enviar una foto, pdf o captura de pantalla a almassiling@gmail.com.

    Never= mai
    rarely= poques vegades
    sometimes= algunes vegades
    often= sovint
    usually= normalment
    always= sempre


    Daily routines.

    5. Complete this on-line worksheet about daily routines and present simple. Repeat until you reach 10/10. If you want, send a photo, pdf or screenshoot of the worksheet to almassilimng@gmail.com.
    Completa aquesta fitxa on-line sobre el present simple i rutines del dia a dia. Repeteix fins aconseguir 10/10. Si vols, pots enviar una foto, pdf o captura de pantalla a almassiling@gmail.com.


    6. Watch and listen to this video about Possesive adjectives.


    7. Write the correct possessive adjective.


    En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us
    preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa.
    Estic segura de que feu el millor que podeu. Si teniu dubtes
     podeu contactar per web família. See you soon!


    Do you know everything about schools? Let's learn more...

    1. Listen, repeat and answer the question in the video. Click on the link to go.


    2. Let's remember verb To Be in past, days of the week and practice subjects (assignatures).  
    You find a word search at the bottom of the pageof this worksheet. Baixa al final de la pàgina d'aquesta fitxa on-line per trobar una sopa de lletres .
    Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. You can send your answers to almassiling@gmail.com
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10. Pots enviar les respostes a almassiling@gmail.com).

    In collaboration with Jon, speaking assitant.

    3. LISTENING./ READING. Here you have an on-line worksheet to learn about schools.
    Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. You can send your answers to almassiling@gmail.com
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10. Pots enviar les respostes a almassiling@gmail.com).

    In collaboration with Jon, speaking assitant.

    4. READING. Read and match.



    With parts of the day (Amb parts del dia: morning, afternoon, evening) 

    We watch TV in the afternoon = Vegem la tele per la vesprada.

    With months (Amb mesos: January, May, December...)

    They go to school in September. = Ells van a l'escola en setembre.

    With seasons (Amb estacions de l'any: autumn, winter, spring, summer)

    I swim in the sea in summer. = Jo nade a la mar en estiu.

    With years ( Amb els anys: 1999, 2020, 2000)

    My cousin was a baby in 1999. = El meu cosí era un bebé en 1999.


    With days of the week (Amb els dies de la setmana: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday...)

    We were at my parents' house on Saturday = Nosaltres vam estar en casa dels meus pares dissabte.

    With concrete days (Amb dies concrets:14th of October, 21st of April, 12th of November...)

    They celebrate Christamas on 25th of December = Ells celebren Nadal el 25 de decembre


    With hours (Amb hores: at 9 o'clock, at 23 hours...)

    They were at the disco at 22 hours. = Ells estigueren en la discoteca a les deu. 

    With night (Amb nit) (És l'única part del dia que va amb at, la resta va amb in)

    The waiters work at night= Els cambrers treballen de nit.

    5. GRAMMAR. Look, think and write.

    6. LISTENING/ GRAMMAR/ VOCABULARY. Watch this interactive video and answer the questions on it. If you don't watch the questions select Interactive mode.

    7. SPEAKING. Use these exercises from the on-line worksheet in exercise 3 to speak about school. You can record your answers in Chatter Pix or do a videocall to a classmate (with your parents permission, of course).


    CINQUÉ 7


    Hi everyone! This week we start with a Listening. It's a funny comic. 

    1. Click on the link to go to the on-line worksheet.

    In collaboration with Jon, speaking auxiliar.


    2. VOCABULARY. Look and write. ☺En anglés les nacionalitats s'escriuen amb majúscula!

    3. LISTENING. Here you have an on-line worksheet to learn about JOBS = Professions.
    Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. You can send your answers to almassiling@gmail.com
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10. Pots enviar les respostes a almassiling@gmail.com).

    4. More VOCABULARY training with this on-line worksheet.

    5. WRITING. Match and write sentences.

    1. Nicole Kidman is an Australian actress.


    AGO = FA... Sempre es posa al final de l'oració.
    -I was in Ibiza four years ago. = Jo vaig estar en Ibiza fa deu anys.
    -You were tired three hours ago.= Tu estaves cansat fa tres hores.
    -The Spanish football team was the champion ten years ago.= L'equip espanyol va ser el campió fa deu anys.

    LAST = L'ÚLTIM / L'ÚLTIMA... Es pot posar al principi o al final de la frase.
    - Last year, we were in a farm. = L'any passat estiguerem en una granja.
    - We were in farm last year. 
    - Last summer, they were in Japan.= L'estiu passat ells estigueren en Japó.
    -They were in Japan last year. 

    6. WRITING/ GRAMMAR. Write senteces about your favourite singers, writers, actors, actresses, sports men and women.

    Example:  Last week, Emma Watson was at El Hormiguero TV show.

    7. READING. Here you have an on-line worksheet. Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. You can send your answers to almassiling@gmail.com
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10. Pots enviar les respostes a almassiling@gmail.com).

    In collaboration with Jon, speaking auxiliar.


    8. SPEAKING. Ask Shakira and let her answer on this Chatter Pix.

    - Where are you from?

    - How old are you?

    - What is your job?

    - Which was your most famous song? (Quina va ser la teua cançó més famosa?)


    9. WRITING/SPEAKING. Now, write an interview for another singer, sports man/woman, writer, actress, actor...). 
    Answer the questions too. You can record the answers using Chatter Pix app and send them to almassiling@gmail.com.


    CINQUÉ 6 


    Hi everyone! Let's start with a terrifying story...



    1. Read, copy in a paper, translate and study this vocabulary.

    2. Talk about computer games, films, books, songs, activities...
    Example: This book about ghosts is scary.

    3. Read and match.

    4. Read, copy and study.


    AFFIRMATIVE                                                       NEGATIVE

    I was = Jo era, estava                                                              I was not   = I wasn't  = Jo no era, o no estava

    You were = Tu eres o estaves                                             You were not = You weren't = Tu no eres, o no estaves

    He/She/it was = Ell/ella/allò era o estava                                 He/SHe/It wasn't = Ell/ella/allò no era, o no estava

    We were = Nosaltres èrem o estàvem                                      We weren't = Nosaltres no èrem, o no estàvem

    You were = Vosaltres éreu o estàveu                                       You weren't = Vosaltres no éreu o no estàveu

    They were = Ells/Elles eren o estaven                                       They weren't = Ells/ Elles no eren o no estaven


    Was I ...?                 Yes, I was.No, I wasn't                                                  Era o estava jo...? Sí/ No

    Were you...?            Yes, you were. No, you weren't.                                   Eres o estaves tu...? Sí / No

    Was he/ she / it...?   Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it wasn't.                      Era o estava ell/ella/allò ...? Sí / No

    Were we...?              Yes, we were. No, we weren't.                                      Èrem o estàvem nosaltres? Sí / No

    Were you...?            Yes, you were. No, you weren't                                     Éreu o estàveu vosaltres? Sí / No

    Were they?              Yes, they were . No they, weren't                                  Eren o estaven ells/elles? Sí / No

    ☺ Pensa: la forma negativa és igual a la afirmativa però afegint NOT. Podem fer el NOT més curt posant N'T.

    ☺ Pensa: La forma interrogativa és igual que la afirmativa però a l'inrevés. 


    AFFIRMATIVE                                                     NEGATIVE      

    There was= Hi havia (una cosa)                          There wasn't = No hi havia (una cosa)

    There were = Hi havia (més d'una cosa)            There weren't = No hi havia (més d'una cosa)


    Was there...? = Hi havia... (una cosa)?                      Yes, there was = Sí.        No, there wasn't= No

    Were there...? = Hi havia ...(més d'una cosa) ?           Yes, there were = Sí,       No, there weren't = No

    5. Complete these on- line worksheets about To Be in past (ser o estar en passat) and There was / There were (verb haver en passat). 

    To listen to the answers of the girl click on her. Per escoltar les respostes de la xiqueta punxa damunt d'ella. Remember the comma in the answers. Recorda la coma en les respostes.

    Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. You can send your answers to almassiling@gmail.com
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10. Pots enviar les respostes a almassiling@gmail.com).



    6. Listen to Mario. He went (ell va anar) to the Mushroom  Kingdom.


    7. Can you speak about a trip you went on? You can record your answers using the app Chatter Pix and send your video to almassiling@gmail.com.

    Pots parlar sobre un viatge que vas fer? Pots gravar les teues respostes utilitzant la aplicació Chatter Pix i enviar el teu video a almassiling@gmail.com.

    8. Listen and watch this video to revise Grammar and Pronunciation.



    En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa. Estic segura de que feu el millor que podeu. Si necessiteu ajuda podeu contactar per web família. Molts ànims i es veiem prompte.

    CINQUÉ 5 


    HI EVERYONE! Good news!!!  

    Children can go out!!!   Now, we can be more relaxed and enjoy studying English 

    1. Read and choose.

    PRESENT VERB HAVER                                                 PASSAT DEL VERB HAVER

    THERE IS / THERE ARE                                                 THERE WAS / THERE WERE

    There is = Hi ha (una cosa) SINGULAR                        There was = Hi havia (una cosa) SINGULAR 

    There are = Hi ha (més d'una cosa) PLURAL                          There were= Hi havia (més d'una cosa) PLURAL


    There was some music at the party = Hi havia música a la festa.

    There was a big surprise. = Hi havia una gran sorpresa.

    There were some sweets on the table. = Hi havia dolços a la taula.

    There were fireworks. = Hi havia focs artificials.

    2. Write about a party you were at.

    It was a party to celebrate....
    ................ were there (people).......
    There was....... and there was....
    There were .... and there were.....
    It was...... (fun, interesting, boring...) becasuse.....

    3. Listen and watch the video.

    SPEAKING. Now,  try to talk about your party. 

    This activity is performed with CHATTERPIX KIDS app.
    Aquesta activitat està feta amb l'aplicació CHATTERPIX KIDS

    OPTIONAL- You can record your answers and send them to almassiling@gmail.com

    VOLUNTARI- Pots gravar les respostes i enviar-les a almassiling@gmail.com

    4. Complete this on-line worksheet. When you finish check your answers and repeat until you reach 10/10.  (Completa aquesta fitxa on-line. Quan acabes comprova les respostes i repeteix fins aconseguir un 10/10).
    By JON, language assistant

    5. Watch this interactive video about MINIONS, THERE WAS, THERE WERE.
    Answer the questions. If you don't see the questions select Interactive mode in the video. (Si no veus les preguntes has de seleccionar Interactive Mode en el mateix vídeo).

    CINQUÉ 4  


    Hi everyone! 
    Little time is left to celebrate birthdays all together! Let's learn about parties and family!

    Hola a tots!
    Queda molt poquet per celebrar els aniversaris tots junts! Anem a aprendre vocabulari sobre la família i les festes!


    1. Read.

    Yesterday was the birthday of Maddy's grandad. All her aunts, uncles and cousins were at her house.

    Maddy was very hungry yesterday...

    2. Read, copy in a paper, translate and study this vocabulary.

    3. Complete this on-line worksheet about Lisa Simpson's family. Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. 
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10.)


     Read and compare Verb To be in present and in past. You can check that the persons that make the present with are, make the past with were and the rest make the past with was.

    Llig i compara el Verb To be in present i en passat. Podràs comprovar que les persones que feien el present amb are ara fan el passat amb were i la resta de persones fan el passat amb was

    I am (Jo sóc o estic)..................................... I was (Jo era o estava)

    You are (Tu eres o estàs) .............................You were (Tu eres o estaves)

    He/She/It is(Ell/Ella/Allò és o està)....................He/SHe/It was (Ell/Ella/Allò era o estava)

    We are (Nosaltres som o estem).....................We were (Nosaltres èrem o estàvem)

    You are (Vosaltres sou o esteu) ......................You were (Vosaltres éreu o estàveu)

    They are (Ells/Elles són o estan)......................They were  (Ells/Elles eren o estaven)

    4. Complete this on- line worksheet about To Be in past. Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. 
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10.)

    5. Write 6 senteces using To Be in past. Draw a simple picture of each one.
    You can use the expressions: yesterday (ahir), last monday (dilluns passat), last Christmas (el nadal passat), last summer (l'estiu passat)...

    For example:

    Yesterday, he was sleepy.

    6. Complete this on-line worksheet, Click on Finish, check your answers and repeat until you get 10/10. 
    (Click on finish i corregeix. Torna a repetir fins que aconseguisques 10/10.)


    7. Watch this interactive video and anwer the questions. If you don't see the questions select Interactive mode in the video. (Si no veus les preguntes has de seleccionar Interactive Mode en el mateix vídeo).



    En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa. Estic segura de que feu el millor que podeu. Si necessiteu ajuda podeu contactar per web família. Molts ànims i es veiem prompte.

    CINQUÉ 3 

    Hi everyone!

    Here I recommend you some activities to do during the holidays. 

    1. Correct all the activities we have done on the blog.

    2. You can watch these  CARTOON series in À PUNT television web. Click here

    3. Listen and read this storyI want to go out!  
    It's about the current situation of confinement and the superpowers all we have. 

    4. You can watch all the videos we have on the blog. Just click the page Videos to choose them.

    5. Watch, read, listen, sing, translate, study the lyrics... of your favourite song. Use YouTube.

    6. Do you feel like cooking? Here you have the link of a recipe of tradional cookies. 

    7. You can use all the links we have on the blog principally:

    To revise contents.

    To listen and read stories. Choose level 3

    8. Write in a paper what you do (related to English) during the holidays, like a diary. (Remember to write the date).

    For example: 
    Friday 10th of April

    I listen and sing my favourite song that is...
    I listen and read the story...

    Enjoy these days with you family and have fun. 



    Hello everyone, here you have the answer key for the exercises of the second week.
    Correct to check if you are learning the concepts well.
    Use a different pen to correct, so when you give me your activities I can see your corrections.

    Hola a tots, ací teniu les respostes per als exercicis de la segona setmana. 
    Corregiu per saber si esteu aprenent els conceptes bé.

    Usa un boli de diferent color per a corregir, així quan m'entregueu les vostres activitats jo podré veure les vostres correccions.



    a) pantalons ajustats
    b) un barret car
    c) un barret barat
    d) un sudadera blau clar
    e) un suèter blau fosc

    5. VIDEO
    -The T-shirts are cheap.
    -It's a expensive skirt.
    -The dress is 200 pounds.
    -No, they don't. Because the clothes are too expensive.





    CINQUÉ 2  

    Welcome to this new week. Let's work!

    NOTA:  Cada dilluns trobareu les activitats per a la setmana ací al blog.

    Totes les activitats s'han de fer en fulls de llibreta o fulls en blanc que s'entregaran en tornar a l'escola.

    Poseu de títol la setmana que toque cada volta, el número de l'activitat i a continuació les respostes.

    1.Play this game about three digit numbers. Then, practise the speaking about asking prices.   

    In collaboration with Jon Rallos, speaking auxiliar


    2. Translate and study these adjectives.

    3. Study 

    It'too expensive        for example (the hat)  És massa car. 

    They're too baggy        for example (the trousers) Són massa amples. PLURAL

    4. Roll a dice 5 times and make sentences. Use the singular and the plural.

    1. tight                                 
    Example: Three! The sunglasses are too dark.
    2. cheap.
    3. dark 
    4. baggy
    5. long
    6. expensive

    5. Watch this video and answer the questions.


    -Are the T-shirts too expensive?

    -Is the skirt  cheap?

    -How much is the dress?

    -Do the girls buy anything? Why? 

    6. Order the senteces of this dialogue in a shop.

    7. Now, get ready for a speaking activity. 
    Write a dialogue in a shop. 
    You can practise with a classmate making a video call. Always with your parents permission, of course. 


    -De dilluns a divendres a les 11,  podeu entrar en Mac Milan Story Corner. L'editorial ens ha comunicat que oferirà un conte amb la col·laboració d' Yvonne Dalorto, conta-contes en anglés. 


    - Cada dijous, seria convenient que vegereu a la televisió el programa d'anglés oferit per Clan. Ací teniu l'horari. El més convenient per a nosaltres seria veure'l de 10 a 12


    - Podeu aprende sobre diferents temes i veure tot tipus de vídeos educatius en anglés al canal de YouTube Happy learning. 



    En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa. Si necessiteu ajuda podeu contactar per Web família. Molts ànims i ens vegem prompte.



    Hello everyone, here you have the answer key for the exercises of the first week.
    Correct to check if you are learning the concepts well.
    Use a different pen to correct, so when you give me your activities i can see your corrections.

    Hola a tots, ací teniu les respostes per als exercicis de la primera setmana. 
    Corregiu per saber si esteu aprenent els conceptes bé.
    Usa un boli de diferent color per a corregir, així quan m'entregueu les vostres activitats jo podré veure les vostres correccions.

    1. -

    3. -
    1. These    
    2. That       
    3. This        
    4. Those
    5.T his
    6. Those
    7. These  
    8. That
    9. This
    10. That
    11. These
    12. Those
    13. This
    14. That
    15. These
    16. This
    17. Those
    18. This
    19. These
    20. Those


    A newspaper is ninety pee (or pence).
    An ice -cream is one pound fifty-five.
    A pizza is three pounds ninety.
    The tennis shoes are twenty-nine pounds ninety-nine.
    An English breakfast is seven pounds ninety-five.
    The postcards are thirty pee (or pence).

    The woman wants to buy a present for her brother.
    He takes a small size.
    The jacket is forty euros.
    The woman gives fifty euros 
    The store dependent gives ten euros. 


    CINQUÉ 1

    Bon dia a tots i totes, bon dia famílies.


    Estem treballant el tema (CLOTHES/ SHOPPING) i per assolir els conceptes voldria que féreu aquestes activitats en un full. 

    1. Find and write in a paper twenty-four clothes items. 

    2. Read and study.  DEMONSTRATIVES

    This book (aquest llibre) (prop i singular)                That book (aquell llibre) (lluny i singular)

    These books (aquestos libres) (prop i plural)           Those books (aquells llibres) (lluny i plural)

    3.  Copy in the paper and add the demosntrative.

    4. Here you have a list of the clothes items from the previous activity. Which one is missing? (De l'activitat anterior, quina falta?

    jacket, dress, cardigan, shoes, skirt, shorts, tie, sunglasses, gloves, trainers, trousers,T-shirt, socks, shirt, sweater, boots, mittens, hat, jeans.

    5. FASHION WEEK. Stick a photo on the paper (or draw a picture) of your favourite artist/singer/ sportsman or sportswoman... and describe what is he or she wearing. (Descriu la roba que porta)

    For example:

    Carolina Marín is wearing a white cap...

    6. Study.

    7. Now, practice writing in a paper and saying out loud these prices.

    Example: The tennis shoes are twenty-nine pounds ninety-nine.

    8. Watch this video about shopping and answer the question in your paper.


    - What does the woman want to buy?

    - What size does her brother take?

    -How much is the jacket?

    -How much does the woman give to the store-dependent?

    -How much does the store-dependent give to the costumer in the end?


    En cas de no poder realitzar les activitats proposades, no us preocupeu, la nostra tasca es afavorir l'aprenentatge a casa. Si necessiteu ajuda podeu contactar per Web família. Molts ànims i ens vegem prompte.

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