Last Thursday 2nd December students from 6th class went to Puerto de Sagunto.
There we met students from Castellon,.
The English teachers prepared a gymkhana with several tasks to complete and the students were in mixed groups. We had a very good time singing, dancing, completing the treasure map, etc.
Afterwards, we walked to the Casa de la Cultura to watch the theatre play "Treasure Island" performed by Face to Face theatre company. The actors needed the help of students to perform some characters (Waldorf the cook, Bluebeard the pirate, Benjamin Gunn the pirate, the sharks...). Our school wasn't lucky, nobody was on scene, but we enjoyed the show. We were very enthusiastic.
Allí van reunir-se amb els alumnes de Castelló.
Els mestres d'anglés van preparar una gymkhana amb diferents tasques a fer i els alumnes es van barrejar en grups. Es vàrem divertir molt cantant, ballant, completant el mapa del tresor, etc.
Després, vàrem caminar a la Casa de la Cultura per vore l'obra de teatre "La illa del tresor" realitzada per la companyia Face to Face theatre. Els actors necessiten l'aujda de les alumnes per fer alguns personatges (Waldorf el cuiner, Bluebeard el pirata, Benjamin Gunn el pirata, els taurons,...) La nostra escola no va tindre sort i ningú va eixir, però vàrem gaudir de l'espectacle. Estavem entusiasmats.
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