Friday, 18 February 2011


   At the end of each unit the students write a project using the structures and vocabulary the've learnt.  When they finished MAGIC STARS unit, they prepared a contest. In groups of three or four, they thought the questions and wrote them in a sheet of paper with the answers in the other side. Then we divided the class into two big groups and one student of each group was the person who asked the questions and checked if the answers were right or not.
   Here you have a sample, do you want to try? Send your answers in a comment. 

   Al final de cada unitat les alumnes escriuen un projecte utilitzant les estructures i el vocabulari que han aprés. Quan  van acabar la unitat ESTRELLES MÀGIQUES, van preparar un concurs. En grups de tres o quatre, van pensar les preguntes i les van escriure en una fulla de paper amb les respostes per l'altra cara. Després vàrem dividir la classe en dos grups grans i un alumne de cada grup  va ser la persona que preguntava i comprovava les respostes.
   Ací teniu una mostra, voleu intentar-ho? Envieu les respostes en un comentari.

  1. Which is the biggest planet?
  2. Which planet is red?
  3. Which planet has got sixteen moons?
  4. Which planet is the nearest to the Sun?
  5. Which planet has got rings?
  6. Which is the eighth planet from the Sun?
  7. Which planet is rocky?
  8. Which planet has got eleven rings?
By Paula T., Ángela  and Mireia.

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